'Zumba Choreo - Justin Bieber - Anyone - Cool Down - Dance Fitness This song is dedicated to all those out there who have found the love of their life. An awesome some bittersweet in meaning but great as a cool down for your Zumba Classes. Artist: Justin Bieber Song: Anyone Choreography By: Glyn Thank you for watching this video please like, comment and share. To ensure you don\'t miss our videos don\'t forget to click the button to Subscribe. We are also looking to collaborate so if you would like to maybe choreo a routine together, join in a podcast, we would be love to work with you. Feel free to follow us on social media via the links below. Website: glyns.zumba.com Facebook Page: It\'s Fun It\'s Fitness It\'s Zumba With Glyn Facebook Group: Zumba With Glyn - Online Instagram: gispromotions Snap Chat: Glyn Zin Tik Tok: Glyn Zin Podcast: zumbawithglyn Twitter: GISPromotions Reddit: u/zumbawithglyn Thank you so kindly for watching! Glyn x'
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