'Full gym tour of Planet Fitness in Henderson, Nevada. Roughly 6 miles from The Strip. We visited in the early hours of the mornings to get a better view of the place! They offer free pizza on the first Tuesday of the month a believe and free tootsie rolls 24/7. Way to stay healthly! Only in America! The string tank tops and weight clashing isn\'t really enforced well at all here. So good news for some lunks out there! Video Title: Planet Fitness - FULL GYM TOUR (Henderson - Las Vegas, Nevada) Video File Created Date: 18 February 2016 (Video may or may not have been captured on this date, it shows the date the video was last converted.) -- Video Uploaded and Managed using YouTube Bulk Uploader for the Lazy! -- Manage and Auto-Tag your YouTube videos offline... Then upload! -- http://ginkosolutions.com/youtube-bulk-uploader/ -- GinkoSolutions.com'
Tags: fitness , cardio , gym , weights , full , Tour , Circuit Training , planet , Planet fitness , vegas , Nevada , Henderson , Las , planet fitness review , lunk alarm , lunk , planet fitness pizza , planet fitness gym , planet fitness tour , Gym tour , gym review , 24 hour gym , no judgement zone , 24/7 gym , free pizza , planet fitness tootsie rolls , only in america , lunk alert , planet fitness preview , planet fitness henderson , planet fitness las vegas , gym preview
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