Oct 20, 2021
'What\'s going on. It\'s a great day to be alive. You have helped this channel reach 4000 subs. That is crazy. Thank you for your support and I\'m grateful to be able to help you with your fitness journey. Youtube has and will start placing ads on ALL creators content regardless if a creator has monetization active. I currently don\'t have monetization on but this will affects your Werkouts. In life sometimes be prepared helps you stay ahead. That\'s why I created my own fitness tv channel. tv.werkdat.com is where you get access to workouts with no ads. The biggest part is the livestream classes. The livestream classes helps build community and enables me to see you and help motivate you. I stream 3 days a week on Tuesday & Thursday 7pm (EST) Saturday 9:30am (EST) It\'s a monthly membership platform. $49 gets you access to just the video library. $79 gets you access to live streams and video library. You can go to tv.werkdat.com to check it out. Even if you can\'t come on this journey that\'s ok. I\'m not leaving Youtube. I started this channel to help more people get active and stay healthy.'See also: