NSG Inspired Rifle PT Exercises | India's Citizen Squad E2P1 | Veer By Discovery

NSG Inspired Rifle PT Exercises | India's Citizen Squad E2P1 | Veer By Discovery
09:07 Dec 30, 2020
The India's Citizen Squad have completed their first 48 hrs, as have been put through a punishing regime, their arms are sore, their legs are scratched but their spirits are still high as they clear their first mission.  भारत की सिटीजन स्क्वायड ने अपने पहले ४८ घंटे में अपना पहला मिशन पूरा कर लिया है। इतने थकने वाले ट्रेनिंग के बावजूद इनका हौसला अब भी वही है जो ट्रेनिंग के पहले दिन पर था।  आज इन १२ असैनिक नागरिक को वह ट्रेनिंग दी जाने वाली है जोह एन.एस.जी कमाण्डौस को दी जाती है।   वीर बाइ डिस्कवरी प्रस्तुत करता है: इंडिया सिटिज़न स्क्वाड - भारत का पहला मिलिटरी रियलिटी शो। 12 चयनित नागरिकों को सेना के पूर्व प्रशिक्षकों की देखरेख में विशेष प्रशिक्षण दिया गया है। इन प्रशिक्षकों ने दुनिया के सर्वश्रेष्ठ और ख़तरनाक जवानों को प्रशिक्षित किया है।  Watch this episode as ICS Camp commander Col. Manish Sarin (Retd.) breaks the limits of the squad with NSG inspired training which will help enhance their mental and physical abilities. Learning these skills will in turn help these civilians to take action when everybody else freezes and aid the people in need.  Witness the journey of 12 selected civilians who got the exclusive opportunity to experience the life of military personnel under the supervision of ex-military specialists who have trained the best and most elite of the Indian Armed Forces. Along with Col. Sarin who has served in the Indian Army for 21 years, the crew of trainers who are veterans of special forces and have the first-hand experience of real combat situations. During their journey at ICS Camp in Kashmir, these citizens of India will learn the techniques to respond better to any real-life emergency situations.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Subscribe to our channel to see more amazing facts and experiences about Indian Army, Navy, Air Force and Special Forces from Discovery India: http://bit.ly/VEERbyDiscovery  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  India’s Citizen Squad: http://bit.ly/IndiasCitizenSquad-FullEpisodes Witness the journey of 12 selected civilians who got the exclusive opportunity to train by ex military specialists and become the first responders.  HAWS: High Altitude Warfare School: http://bit.ly/HAWS-HighAltitudeWarfareSchool Watch how the soldiers of the Indian Army are trained at HAWS campus to become mountain warriors of India  Indian Air Force Academy: http://bit.ly/IndianAirforceAcademy-FullEpisodes Watch the journey of Air Force Academy cadets from their civilian days to training and becoming the guardians of skies   Women Fighter Pilots: http://bit.ly/WomenFighterPilots Watch the journey of Avani Chaturvedi, Bhawana Kanth and Mohana Singh from scripting history by becoming the first-ever women to undergo fighter pilot training with Indian Air Force to their glory of tearing into the Indian skies on a supersonic fighter jet all alone.  General And His Son: http://bit.ly/GeneralAndHisSon-FullEpisodes Watch the Military Life Lessons taught by Lt. General Singha to his millennial son Harman, check out as they embark upon this fascinating new journey.   Watch all episodes of Battle Ops: http://bit.ly/BattleOps-FullEpisodes Battle Ops is a series on India's iconic military operations which include Operation Black Tornado, Operation Meghdoot and Operation Cactus.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  If you are interested in Indian Army videos you can also watch our following videos on missions carried out by Indian Army:  Watch the Documentaries on Wars fought by Indian Army and the stories of their Bravery: http://bit.ly/IndianArmy-MissionsAndWars  Operation Taj - Mumbai terrorist attacks: http://bit.ly/MumbaiTerroristAttack Operation Meghdoot - Life of Indian soldiers on Siachen: http://bit.ly/IndianArmyOnSiachen Maldives Crisis: http://bit.ly/MaldivesCrisisOperationCactus  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Ready to know some interesting facts about Indian Army, check out below Videos: http://bit.ly/IndianMilitaryDidYouKnow http://bit.ly/MakingOfaSoldier http://bit.ly/MilitaryKiDictionary  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Other Discovery India Channels Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DiscoveryChannelIndiaOfficial/  Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiscoveryIN  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/discoverychannelIn/   Veer by Discovery is India’s first dedicated digital channel for the Indian Armed Forces. 

Tags: indian army , channel veer , show india's citizen squad , episode india's citizen squad e1p5 , rescue mission , accident rescue training , emergency first aid , first aid for accidents , veer by discovery , accident rescue mission , first aid training , rescue mission documentary , citizensquad , military reality show , military reality tv shows , train like army , civilians try military training , civilians military , camp ics

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