'In this routine I am showing how to lift all the areas in your bottom so you can create a lifted, strong and toned lower body. Variety is important, for effective weight loss and to transform your body, be sure to utilize all of my routines. Do this routine once or 3 times a day , 2- 3 times a week and you will get results! Check out my sites! http://www.yourtimetrainingandfitness.com/ https://www.facebook.com/YOUR-TIME-Training-116014575118797/ https://www.instagram.com/yourtimetraining/'
Tags: Women , woman , fitness , Weight loss , exercise , pilates , yoga , Personal Training , body , muscle , strong , crunches , lose weight , 6 pack abs , at home , naked , best , Easy , routine , Big , legs , lean , ZUMBA , bootcamp , 21 day fix , fast , thighs , glutes , booty , bottom , Slim , push ups , butt lift , bum , Jillian Michaels , p90x , drills , T25 , gap , brazillian , lower , MELISSA BENDER , NO EQUIOMENT
See also: