'40 MINUTE BEST AB WORKOUT (includes warmup and cool down) - TFCLARK FITNESS MAGAZINE'

'40 MINUTE BEST AB WORKOUT (includes warmup and cool down) - TFCLARK FITNESS MAGAZINE'
07:56 Jan 1, 2022
'Visit https://tfclarkfitnessmagazine.com for more Fitness Workouts.  Get ready for one of the best Ab video Workouts in the world! Let’s do this! You can create a full ab workout from the exercises in the video and progress to the next level once you have mastered your current level (beginner, intermediate, advanced)!!  More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/TFClarkFitnessMagazine/videos   You don’t need  equipment or weight if you don’t want it. Best ABS workouts you can do anywhere if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced fitness enthusiast. Try this workout to build better ABS!  Please Like and Subscribe - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoUS-PTOOC5xcakOOEo_pA?sub_confirmation=1   Step 1: Choose 5 – 6 exercises from the video depending on your training level. Step 2: Warm-Up - treadmill, shadow boxing, or jump rope (5 minutes). Step 3: Complete 10 – 20 repetitions depending on your ability (20 Minutes). Step 4: Perfect form for each repetition. You only get credit for the ones you do right. Step 5: Cardio – treadmill, shadow boxing, jump rope, or Stairmaster (10 minutes). Step 6: Cool Down - Stretch, Yoga, or Pilates (5 minutes). Step 7: Advance to the next level of exercises once you master your current level  You can spend less than an hour creating six-pack abs. It is true. If you commit to a consistent well-executed (perfect form) but short workout, your abs will impress you. In this video, we provide exercises that you can combine with the steps above to create fantastic abs no matter your training level.   The key to any workout is consistency and compliance. The ab exercises in this video are proven to get results and cover every aspect of the abs. If it’s a bottom-up, rotational, or top-down movement, we cover it. There are bottom-up movements that better hit the lower abs.  Combining the right ab exercises in your workout provides quick premium results.   Also Find us: Website : https://tfclarkfitnessmagazine.com/  Twitter : https://twitter.com/TFClarkFM  Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TFClarkFitnessMagazine/  Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/tfclarkfitnessmagazine/  Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/tfclarkfitnessmagazine/   You can complete an ab workout with or without equipment. The choice belongs to you as it should be. Take control of your abs with the exercises you select. The abs are endurance muscles; therefore, they work best with 10 to 20 reps of any exercise. Also, rest time should be short, 15 – 30 seconds, to get the most from ab muscles. You can do a house workout at home with a few workout supplies (jump rope, ab wheel, floor mat, i.e.).   If you want a meal plan to get you ripped fast, head to https://tfclarkfitnessmagazine for free diet and workout plans. Your health and fitness are so important until all our programs are always FREE! For more workout videos that you can follow. Subscribe to our channel here on YouTube and turn on notifications, so you never miss when we post new videos.  #abworkout #fitnessplan #quickworkout  Video Tags: TFClark Fitness Magazine, ab workout, how to workout the abs, ab workout in less than an hour, quick ab workout, daily ab workout for men, quick workout for abs for women, 2021 abs workout, work ab muscles in less than 1 hour a day, best ab workout online, online abs workout, fitness magazine workout,mens fitness magazine,strong fitness magazine,nordic fitness magazine,top fitness magazine,fitness marshall,fitness blender,fitness motivation,fitness journey' 

Tags: iMovie

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