'Benefits of Using a Squat Wedge'

'Benefits of Using a Squat Wedge'
04:00 Jan 5, 2022
'We recommend the Solos Squat wedges from Prime Fitness.  Much more versatile than the single wedges shown here.  Please see our Solos videos to see the additional benefits over the single wedge. Do not buy foam wedges or yoga wedges for squatting.   Save 15% with code KASSN1  at   https://primefitnessusa.com https://primefitnessusa.com/product/sw-solos/ https://primefitnessusa.com/product/sw-solos-bundle/  Learn more biomechanics, training, nutrition & program design at www.N1education.com  Facebook https://www.facebook.com/N1education Instagram @N1.education Twitter @N1education' 

Tags: Design , training , education , program , Certification , n1 , biomechanics , Prime Fitness , squat wedge

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