'Functional Training Bootcamp Workout Idea | Trainers Guide #44'

'Functional Training Bootcamp Workout Idea | Trainers Guide #44'
02:57 Jan 30, 2021
'GET WORKOUT ►►► https://axfit.com/product/functional-training-bootcamp/  @AXFIT Instagram ►►► https://www.instagram.com/axfit/   Client Difficulty: 9/10  Duration: 50 Minutes  Group Size: 1-60  Workout Categories:  All-Levels + Full Body + Functional Training + Minimal Equipment + Core + Cardio  Terrain: Outdoors, Indoors  Equipment: Light Dumbbells, 2 Pylons, Exercise Mats  Whats up everyone, I have another killer workout for you today. This is my functional training bootcamp! Not sure what functional training is? Here is a little definition for you: Functional training attempts to adapt or develop exercises which allow individuals to perform the activities of daily life more easily and without injuries. Functional training involves mainly weight bearing activities targeted at core muscles of the abdomen and lower back.   Sounds amazing right?! In my functional training bootcamp i\'ve added in a lot of new exercises. We kick off the workout with our warm-up and right into 14 minutes of core! This focused on abs, lower back, and got clients warmed up for the main event in Phase 3.   In Phase 3, the functional training bootcamp we had 2 lines. Line 1 did on-spot exercises and Line 2 did on the move exercises. My clients loved the new exercises and the \"functional training\" concept….even though all  my workouts are functional training ;), it was fun to go all out in this one with functional movements.' 

Tags: functional training , Exercise Ideas , functional exercises , group training , bootcamp workout at home , axfit , danielle chevalier , BOOT CAMPS , Boot Camp ideas , boot camp workout ideas , Bootcamp ideas , group fitness class ideas , Bootcamp workout Ideas , fitness class ideas , functional training workouts , functional training drills , bootcamp functional trianing , functional workouts

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