Funk takes you through this ultimate 30 minute home dumbbell workout today. This 30 minute home dumbbell workout uses 30 different exercises performed one after the other to get a killer total body home dumbbell workout. Men Over 35: Join the Alpha Fitness Program for 60 Days FREE Trial HERE before April 19, 2020 - https://over40shred.com/60-day-free-workout-program-for-men Watch more of my videos! Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Marcroops ULTIMATE 30 Minute Home Dumbbell Workout Men Over 35: Join the Alpha Fitness Program for 60 Days FREE Trial HERE before April 19, 2020 - https://over40shred.com/60-day-free-workout-program-for-men Perform each exercise 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds rest. Perform one round = 30 Minute Workout. Warm up before and stretch after and HAVE FUN! 1. Regular Bridge Chest Press to Flyes 2. Side to Side Step Out Squats 3. Loaded Leg Raises 4. Bent Over Supinated Rows to Triceps Kickbacks 5. Biceps 21s 6. DB Burpee Snatches 7. Blast Off Push Ups 8. Forward Lunge Curls 9. DB Alternating One Arm Toe Touches 10. Crush Shoulder Press and Overhead Triceps Extension 11. Plank Row To Deadlift 12. Alternating Hammer Curls Cross Body 13. Alternating Single Arm Thrusters 14. Sit Up Press Abs 15. Alternating Snatches 16. Standing Shoulder Side to Front raise with palms facing 17. Side to Side DB Lunge 18. Standing DB Calf Raises 19. Plank to Extended Build 20. RDL Rows 21. Goblet Squats and Rotate 22. DB Skier Swings 23. Russian Twists 24. Chest Press to Skull Crushers / legs elevated - 25. Sumo Squat To DB Raise 26. Side to Side Rotations 27. Rear Lunge to Clean and Press 28. Bent Over Row to snatch 29. Squat To Curl to Around the World 30. DB Burpees Men Over 35: Join the Alpha Fitness Program for 60 Days FREE Trial HERE before April 19, 2020 - https://over40shred.com/60-day-free-workout-program-for-men WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU. ALWAYS WARM UP PRIOR AND STRETCH AFTER YOUR WORKOUT SESSIONS
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