Feb 1, 2022
'Akshay Kumar is the most successful actor in Bollywood, Akshay Kumar\'s full name is Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia. Akshay Kumar is always in the news for his fit and healthy body. So in today\'s video we will learn the secret of Akshay Kumar\'s healthy life and success. Akshay kumar daily schedule and morning routine - Akshay Kumar wakes up early and his routines start at 4 O’ clock. He has daily sleep at 9:30 pm. Your Queries: akshay kumar daily timetable akshay kumar daily lifestyle akshay kumar daily schedule in hindi akshay kumar daily life akshay kumar morning routine akshay kumar fitness akshay kumar workout akshay kumar fitness tips akshay kumar workout tips akshay kumar interview akshay kumar food habits akshay kumar food diet askhay kumar motivationSee also: