'David Goggins pullup record | david Goggins Running| David Goggins motivation | Navy seals fitness test | I tried David Goggins pre navy seal workout routine for 24 hours | 24 hour challenge #david #goggins #navyseal *JOIN THE TEAM* https://www.scottmurrayfitness.com/ ‣ Online Coaching ‣ Recipes & knowledge ‣ Private Facebook group ‣ Custom diet & training plans That’s right, a new 24 hour challenge but this time not a 24 hour food challenge but a 24 hour fitness challenge where I tried David Goggins pre navy seal workout routine for 24 hours. With David goggins being a big motivation for me with having the Pullup record, his running routine and insane fitness routine behind how he lost weight to get into the navy seals, I thought I would try david goggins pre navy seals workout routine to see how tough it is and live like David goggins for a day. Being a fitness and motivation influencer, these days and author of the book can’t hurt me david goggins is by far one of the craziest and disciplined, motivated individuals on the planet so I wanted to put myself in his shoes for a day Correct, this full day of eating and fitness test 24 hour challenge where i tried David Goggins pre navy seal workout routine for 24 hours involves running, biking and swimming coupled with a banana and a small meal. For those interested, the david goggins pre navy seal workout routine involves: • 4:30 AM: Wake Up • 4:30 AM: Eat a banana • 5:00-6:00 AM: Ride-on exercise bike • 6:00-7:00 AM: Study for the ASVAB • 8:00-10:00 AM: Swim for 2 miles • 11:00 AM-2:00 PM: Full body workout (Multiple sets of 100-200 reps per movement) • 3:00-5:00 PM: Exercise bike and more studying for the navy seal fitness test • 5:30 PM: Run between 2-6 miles • 7:30 PM: Dinner • 8:00-10:00 PM: Back on the exercise bike • 10:30 PM: Sleep Source: https://www.eatmovehack.com/david-goggins-diet-and-workout/ As you can see, the david goggins pre navy seal workout routine and david goggins diet plan is.... insane and hence David goggins is a huge motivation to me as he followed it for 2 months to drop 100lbs to successfully get into the navy seals Anyway, the video says it all where i dive into things like: • the david goggins pre navy seal workout routine • the david goggins pre navy seal diet plan • my running motivation from David goggins • following david goggins day in the life with other things he mentions in his book can’t hurt me • the full attempt of the 24 hour fitness challenge where I tried David Goggins pre navy seal workout routine for 24 hours And more so sit back, relax and enjoy me taking you through a new style of 24 hour challenges, one where I tried David Goggins pre navy seal fitness routine for 24 hours. From running to swimming and cycling, i burn nearly 7000 calories and only eat about 800 calories and bring you on a journey of a full day in the life of david goggins and how his pre navy seal workout routine was Hopefully you enjoy it and gain some workout motivation an/or entertainment from it so don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE and SHARE I really would appreciate it as I personally look back at this 24 hour challenge and think it’s one of my toughest challenges yet and potentially my best video yet too? Of course, you also know that, if you smash the likes then not only will i have tried the David Goggins pre navy seal workout routine for 24 hours but I’ll also be open to doing MORE of these fitness 24 hour challenges whether it involves running, swimming, cycling or more, like the vid and comment below if you want more of these and who i should do next? David goggins is going to be tough to follow ---- INSTAGRAM ‣ @smurray_32 FACEBOOK ‣ Scott Murray Fitness TWITTER ‣ @smurray_32 ---- BULK POWDERS ‣ https://bit.ly/2KsS4Wg CALORIE FREE SAUCES ‣ https://bit.ly/31gN2SA ---- DISCLAIMER - I am not a doctor or medical professional thus any diet/training advice given in my videos is based purely on scientific research/anecdotal evidence. Please consult with a doctor and/or an equally qualified Health Care Professional prior to starting any diet/training program and/or using any of the information given in my videos. I do not assume liability for any actions/side effects/illness/injury/economic loss and/or death from any nutritional/training advice given in my videos ---- MUSIC CREDITS'
Tags: motivation , diet , calories , 24 hour challenge , Day in the Life , US Army , Navy , Marines , 24 hours , navy seals , us marines , navy seal , us army fitness test , navy seals fitness test , us navy seals , David Goggins , david goggins motivation , david goggins running , david goggins pull ups , david goggins daily routine , david goggins interview , david goggins motivational video , navy seals fitness test without practice , us army workout , i followed david goggins daily routine , Scott Murray
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