'AEROBICS 80s Workout 3 - 30 Minutes - ALL ABILITIES - with Ginny'

'AEROBICS 80s Workout 3  - 30 Minutes - ALL ABILITIES - with Ginny'
37:29 Feb 26, 2022
'Welcome to our online \"Workout\" video\'s. This video is 80s Workout Aerobics inspired, low-impact simple moves to follow, giving you a great cardio workout to help lose weight, keep your heart fit and tone up those muscles. Have fun! Love Ginny   Please check with your doctor when starting this or any other exercise program. All of our fitness programs are designed to be safe and executed correctly. The producers assume no responsibility for improper use of this or any other exercise program or any injury that may result. All exercises are done at your own risk.  Always work within your boundaries, and build your fitness up slowly :) Have fun ....' 

Tags: low impact aerobics , 30 minute workout , low impact cardio workout , aerobic , aerobic exercise , Aerobics , aerobics workout , 80s workout , 80s Aerobics , 80s aerobics workout , dance aerobics , home aerobics workout

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