Check out more Bowflex workouts here: https://goo.gl/jkjFMm Subscribe for more workouts and tips: http://goo.gl/sxLYmP Tone up your abs anytime with this quick four-minute ab workout that can be fit in whenever you have a spare four minutes. In this workout you will do four different ab exercises for 30 second each and repeat that one more time for a total of four minutes. These four ab exercises will target all three regions of your abs to make sure you're hitting them all. The four ab exercises included in this video are: 1) Regular crunches 2) Oblique crunches - right side 3) Oblique crunches - left side 4) Lower ab crunches If you have more than four minutes, repeat the workout for some extra-credit burn! Don't want to go to the floor for your ab workout? Check out this Standing Ab Workout: http://youtu.be/oQ--HZDG2ew More quick workouts: http://goo.gl/mj1b0C Additional fitness tips: http://goo.gl/vFWbTL http://www.Bowflex.com - Find all the fitness solutions you'll ever need to get on your way to being a healthier you. http://www.BowflexInsider.com - Head to the Bowflex Insider blog to read the latest in all things related to fitness and health and find simple ways to start losing weight.
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