Jun 4, 2022
'This video is great for anyone who is new to using MyFitnessPal and wants to see how to set up your account and utilize the different features to your advantage. I walk you through from the very beginning of setting up your account information to how to change the number of meals your can view and input, inputing your macro goals, as well as how to share your diary with friends and so much more. This is the first in a series of My Fitness Pal Tutorial so stay tuned for more on how to input your daily food as well as helpful tips and tricks on stay on on target for your goals. Don\'g forget to hit subscribe to get all the info about MyFitnessPal and all things related to fitness and staying well! IG: @livereafit FB: liverealfit Blog: www.liverealfit.com'
Tags: how to , tutorial , my fitness pal , food tracking
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