GET SNATCHED FOR SUMMER with my "big booty tight tummy" plan!: http://bit.ly/2bbtt10 Perhaps you’ve heard (or seen) high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts being broadcast all over the web and social media sites. Maybe you haven’t; either way, you’re in a good place as Im about to give you the low down. HIIT workouts are designed to improve your cardiovascular fitness while helping you build lean muscle and burn fat ALL AT THE SAME TIME *what?!?* Research has shown that shorter, high-intensity workouts can do a whole lot more for your health and fitness than longer, slow-paced workouts. In addition to being a huge health boost, HIIT workouts take 30 mins or less to complete (and id argue that they’re pretty fun too)! HOW DOES IT WORK? The basics of HIIT is that it requires you to short bursts of all out, one hundred percent effort, followed by short, sometimes active recovery periods. This keeps the heart rate up and creates a greater oxygen demand on your body to repair everything that is happening in the body while you give 100% effort. The increased need for oxygen allows you to burn more calories not only during the workout, but afterward as well (this is what is called the after burn effect), and is the main reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady state workouts. BENEFITS: Oh man, the list is quite long; ill just list the top ones! Improves cardiovascular fitness Increases your metabolism (which helps you build lean muscle and drop fat) Helps you KEEP the muscle you already have while you drop fat Can be done anywhere (as you don’t need any additional equipment) It helps you burn calories while you’re not working out too (the after burn effect) So, as you can see, HIIT is the way of the future, and the time to take advantage of this style of training is NOW! Check out my 7 minute HIIT workout that can be done anywhere. Whatever your level of fitness, this workout is for YOU! Comment below where you like to do HIIT workouts Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growwithjo/ and Pinterest (where you'll also find food ideas): https://www.pinterest.ca/growwithjo/pins/
Tags: Weight loss , home workouts , burn fat , hiit workout , hiit , high intensity interval training , squats , 7 minute workout , follow along workout , workout at home , quick workout , get in shape , burn , follow along , 7 Min HIIT at Home (FOLLOW ALONG WORKOUT) , fat burnner , best shape of your life , workouts to sweat , quick exercises , cardiovascular fitness
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