'This show is a rocker, with fellow podcaster Brian Keane as we discuss our paths to success as people, what we now learn and why, the personality traits we have and why, why we love BIG scary goals and how it defines us, success as a human and what it means at a deep level, Brian\'s journey in fitness, and much more. Check out me on Brians show at, episode 59: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-brian-keane-fitness-podcast/id1153346936?mt=2 Check out Brians work here: https://briankeanefitness.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theofficialbencoomberpage/ Instagram: @BenCoomber Twitter: @BenCoomber Awesome Supplements https://awesomesupplements.co.uk Body Type Nutrition https://bodytypenutrition.co.uk'
Tags: fitness , Health , nutrition , fitness podcast , mindset , setting goals , btn , health and fitness talk , gaa , ben coomber , ben coomber radio , Ben Coomber TV , awesome supplements , brian keane , brian keane fitness , extreme personality traits , body type nutrition
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