'Hello Fellow-litadoras! I hope you liked this Meta Lucha Mask Review! Metamorphose has really outdone themselves this time, haven\'t they??? I am so glad they made designs like this available to plus size luchadores for the first time! ====Here are some helpful links to some stuff discussed in this video!==== My Lacemarket: https://egl.circlly.com/users/SushiAmazon My new mirror shop, more stuff added regularly: https://ellievyra.bigcartel.com/ My Poshmark: https://poshmark.com/closet/kill3rsushi Resplendent Night Sky Short Sleeve OP by NSG Lolita (affiliate link): http://www.spreenow.com/category/c45923/taobao-agent/taobao/643484213491 Antaina Purple Teaparties (affiliate link): http://www.spreenow.com/category/c45923/taobao-agent/taobao/6707108887 Happy April Fool\'s Day! Drop a comment with constructive feedback if you wanna, I will listen to your every word, but if you\'re mean... I mean, why would you be mean over this joke of a video? Grow a sense of humor, please ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ All clothing, accessories, etc were purchased with no sponsorship/discount/PR from any of the associated brands or shopping services. For science and love of plus size inclusivity! Huzzah! My Social Media: Instagram: @ellievyrawrestling Twitter: @ellievyra Twitch: @WaterEllie Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/prettygeekygifts LaceMarket: https://egl.circlly.com/users/SushiAmazon MUSIC CREDITS: All songs used created by ANtarcticbreeze Music via Patreon'
Tags: Meta , plus size fashion , lolita , Japanese fashion , lolita fashion , taobao , egl community , egl fashion , egl , lolita dress , classic lolita , elegant gothic lolita , lolita outfit , lolita op , plus size lolita , plus size J-fashion , plus size japanese fashion , plus size brand , lolita coordinate , taobao lolita , Metamorphose , Metamorphose temps de fille , devilinspired , chinese lolita , lolita blouse , lolita costume , offbrand lolita , taobao lolita brand , devilinspired review , lucha mask
See also: