04:21 Jun 4, 2023
'Raise your hand if you’ve ever seen someone doing a “bench press” or \"squat\" that amounts to a quarter of a rep and you shook your head at him or her. Without seeing you, I’m going to guess that pretty much every viewer of this Channel has had this experience. If you’re going to do something at all, you might as well do it right.  But as we have seen, science doesn’t always agree with our common sense, so it’s worth studying. In fact, in this case, it might make some sense. There is value to doing isometrics and full-range isotonics, so perhaps partial range work has some merit. Indeed, many successful athletes regularly employ partial range work. The board press is a great example, regularly performed by powerlifters. In a recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, researchers sought to explain where we would draw the line on range of motion.  As it turns out, our common sense is correct. After the 12 weeks the strength and size of the muscle was greater in the group with the longer range of motion. Researchers also measured fat stores within the affected muscle and they were reduced more in the group with the longer range of motion  The spinal column runs down the middle of your back and contains the spinal cord, which is like a superhighway of nerves that connect your brain to every tissue in your body. Needless to say, the health of your spine is of paramount importance. From the lateral or side view, your spine contains three main curves, which are needed for flexibility and stability. However, viewing your spine from the back, it should be straight and not deviate from side-to-side very much at all. Some people are born with abnormally curved spines, but ill health, poor posture and inadequate nutrition are more responsible for spinal pathology.  BUY T-SHIRTS: http://teespring.com/stores/oefitness  Some come here to learn, others to laugh and have fun. This channel informs about fitness, exercising and health. It gives tips on how to workout properly.   Be a part of the community and hit the subscribe button and hit the bell beside to get a notification when videos are uploaded.   ⚠️Follow On Social Media Here⚠️  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialOEFitness  Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/ig.gymfail/   

Tags: fitness , abs , gym , exercise , Health , bodybuilding , muscle , strength , video , training , crossfit , awesome , strongman , powerlifting , oefitness

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