'Thanks for watching this zumba dance workout to Ex\'s And Oh\'s by Elle King! LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, AND SHARE! For more zumba workouts, check out the dance playlists on my channel! FOLLOW ME: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pg/fitnesswmeg INSTAGRAM: fitnessw_meg SNAPCHAT: fitnesswithmeg TUMBLR: https://fitnesswmeg.tumblr.com TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fitnesswmeg *** DISCLAIMER: Fitness with Meg strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Fitness with Meg from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Fitness with Meg\'s negligence. #exsandohs #elleking #dance #danceworkout #choreography'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , Dance , ZUMBA , how to get in shape , fitness with meg , zumba step by step , zumba workout , 2010s , Elle King , pop choreography , 2010s dance , elle king dance , exes and ohs , ex's and oh's , elle king workout , elle king choreography , fun choreography , zumba pop music
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