'472 Generations in the Gym: Baby Boomers with Dr. Sarah Marion'

33:23 Jan 10
'As we wrap up our Generations in the Gym series, Dr. Sarah Marion is here for our final segment on the Baby Boomers.  Dr. Marion shares some insights on what baby boomers are looking for in a fitness program, and how to best reach them. Learn tips for attracting boomers into fitness facilities that will help make the gym more appealing and accessible to seniors. This episode will give you the information needed to ensure your marketing and programming is attractive for the members of this generation.    What You\'ll Learn:    3 Tips for Attracting Boomers Into Fitness Facilities How Baby Boomers Approach Healthy Living The Differences Between Male and Female Baby Boomers\' Health and Fitness Routines How to Appeal to Baby Boomers in Your Marketing The Different Generations of Fitness Enthusiasts The Impact of Age on Fitness Motivation and Approach The Impact of the Pandemic on Boomer Fitness Trends The Impact of Price on the Exercise Habits of Older Adults The Benefits of Exercise for Boomers' 
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