'Chest & Shoulders Workout with Tips | PowerBulk Ep. 28 | Gabriel Sey'

'Chest & Shoulders Workout with Tips | PowerBulk Ep. 28 | Gabriel Sey'
08:24 Jan 13
'What\'s This Video About? Today we start the HYBRID programme, a mix of Powerlifting with full on Hypertrophy with sculpting to create a powerfully aesthetic physique that can dominate in Powerlifting Competition.  Full Workout: Bench Press [Wendler 531 programme - Week 1] Overhead Press [12 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps, Drop set] Incline Barbell Bench Press [12 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps, Drop set] Seated Plated Load Shoulder Press [3 sets of 8-10 reps] Face Pulls [4 sets of 10 reps]  Cable Lateral Raises [3 sets of 15 reps]  Cable Chest Flye [3 sets of 15 reps]  TrueBeast Athletics Clothing https://www.truebeastathletics.com/  http://www.GabrielSey.com -True Beast eBook -Online Coaching   Follow Me: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gabrielseyfit... Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gabriel_sey_... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabriel_sey_fit Snapchat: gabriel-sey  Thinking of Competing? http://www.iam-fearless.com  Want Quality Supplements http://www.bulkpowders.co.uk/ GABRIEL15 for 15% OFF  Prep Life Made Easier: http://www.fitmarkbags.eu/' 

Tags: abs , motivation , bodybuilding , muscle , arms , chest , biceps , shoulders , leg day , model , transformation , legs , lean , shredded , bulk , aesthetics , Gabriel sey , bradley martyn , ct fletcher , christian guzman , powerlifting , bulking diet , flexing , big chest , Mattdoesfitness , kai greene , Nikki blackketter , mike rashid , brandon harding , steroids , gabriel sey chest , how to bulk , mass gain , stronger squats , chest and shoulders workout , SHOULDER WORKOUT GABRIEL SEY , gabriel sey shoulders

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