'Stories That Sell Episode 44 | Fitness Business and Self Development In the fitness industry, it\'s not enough to just be fit. You have to be able to market yourself as a fitness expert and be well-versed in business concepts if you want to succeed. This can be a challenge for some people, but luckily there are plenty of resources available to help you learn. In today\'s episode, we\'ll discuss some tips for developing a successful fitness business and self-development plan. Stay tuned! James Quigley is a business development consultant, live action host and speaker based out of Austin, TX. Originally from Brooklyn NY, James has spent 20 years working in the fitness industry in various roles such as owner, operator, coach, sales, and training development. At the age of 16, at the height of his athletic career, between his parents divorce and losing his best friend to a drug overdose. It sent him into a spiral of depression and giving up on his dreams of being a collegiate athlete. After a few years of dealing with his depression and anxiety he no longer recognized himself. He decided he wanted to honor the memory of his best friend. At the advice of a mentor, he joined a local gym. After a few months of learning how to take care of himself again, James found his passion for fitness and self improvement. After experiencing the ups and downs as an entrepreneur, James realized there was still much to learn. He continues to invest in his own development therefore setting the example that growth is a never ending journey. There are a lot of different aspects to owning and running your own fitness business. It can be extremely rewarding, but it also requires a lot of hard work and dedication. As with any other business, success in the fitness industry depends on your ability to develop yourself as a leader and an entrepreneur. James believes your biggest struggles are your greatest opportunities to find out who you truly are. IG @jamespquigley FB James Quigley Be sure to check out this episode of the #StoriesthatSellPodcast. Available in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or any of the podcast platforms. https://storiesthatsell.studio/ If you are a gym owner, check us out on vasforgyms.com (link in bio) or join our Facebook group, VAs For Gyms. We can definitely make your life easier! #VAsforGyms #gymowners #gymproblems #gym #gyms #gymsolutions **Powered by VAs for GYMs https://vasforgyms.com/ Our sponsors: https://constructivesolutionsenterprises.myshopify.com/ https://www.instagram.com/constructivesolutionsent/ https://www.facebook.com/constructivese'
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