Feb 15, 2024
'John Briggs is the founder of Incite Tax and the author of Profit First For Microgyms. His theme is, \"The IRS Sucks\", believing that business owners should keep more of their money to build long-term wealth. In this episode of The Pilates Business Podcast, he shares his best insights on cash flow management. He is on a mission to help boutique studio owners like you increase their take home pay and stop worrying about how to afford paying for basic bills. You can learn more about John and his mission and book a free planning session to accelerate your existing cash this year at Incite Tax and pick up a copy of his book, Profit First for Microgyms here. https://incitetax.com/profit-first-microgyms/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learn top tips and strategies from fitness business expert Seran Glanfield and find out how you can grow your boutique fitness business For more info on how you can get tips and strategies for growing your boutique fitness business go to: www.springthree.com Access Your Free Guide // Revenue Growth Roadmap For Your Boutique Fitness Studio Business // www.springthree.com/profit Follow on IG: @seran_spring_three ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get business and marketing inspiration for your Pilates business with Seran Glanfield, coach and consultant to boutique fitness studio owners, Founder of Spring Three and fellow Pilates teacher. The Pilates Business Podcast shares insight, practical tools and actionable strategies that will help you build and grow your studio so that you can run a profitable and fulfilling business Get business and marketing inspiration for your Pilates business with Seran Glanfield, coach and consultant to boutique fitness studio owners, Founder of Spring Three and fellow Pilates teacher. The Pilates Business Podcast shares insight, practical tools and actionable strategies that will help you build and grow your studio so that you can run a profitable and fulfilling business'
Tags: #Pilates , #Business , #wellness , #fitnessbusiness , #businesscoaching
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