'GNATION!! It\'s time to raise the bar on your shoulder workouts!!! I have posted the workout below. Try this routine out for the ULTIMATE workout. June 30th second release of G|C!! Almost Here!!!Any questions like always leave it in the comment section!! Thank you to Intoxx Fitness Grasmere for letting me train at the amazing location!! G|C Apparel & Online Training : http://GerardoCollection.Com Go Add & FOLLOW me!! - Instagram : http://Instagram.Com/Gerardo_Gabriel - SNAP ME!!!! : Gerardo.Gabriel - MUSIC by Axel : http://soundcloud.com/axelsmusic Instagram: @Axelxix - Nutrex Supplements: http://Nutrex.Com Gerardo30 to save 30% Ultimate Death Shoulder Workout : 4 Sets - 12-15 Reps Seated Machine Military Press Supersets with Standing Lateral Dumbbell Raise 5 Sets x 12- 15 Reps Seated Barbell Military Press Supersets with Standing Plate Lateral Raise 4 Sets x 10-12 Reps Seated Dumbbell Press Supersets with Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise 5 Sets x 8-12 Reps Standing Military Press barbell Supersets with Individual Lateral Raise GNATION!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOO!!!!'
Tags: fitness , abs , Health , bodybuilding , chest , biceps , model , day , heath , Jeremy , Arnold , lazar , shoulder , leg , gc , flex , Jeff , Olympia , mr , Seid , Marco , Gabriel , Bradley , Cutler , jay , phil , buendia , martyn , angelov , LUI , gerardo
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