'Chantal Brodrick, Fitness Business Podcast | FITS 2019 Testimonial'

00:48 Mar 19
'https://fitnessindustrytechsummit.com.au/  Chantal Brodrick, host of The Fitness Business Podcast talks about her experience at the Fitness Industry Technology Summit 2019 in Sydney.   The Fitness Industry Technology Summit is Australia’s First Technology Summit for Fitness Businesses and the inaugural event was held on July 25 – July 26, 2019, in Sydney, Australia.    “We specifically lined up speakers who brought a strong technological context to running a business.  These experts play in a different space to fitness business owners and we can learn so much from them,” – Justin Tamsett  You can reserve your spot for #FITS2020 now at https://FitnessIndustryTechSummit.com.au No money to pay now but you\'ll be the first to know about next year\'s event!  The landmark event featured 7 speakers from outside the fitness industry who use technology to analyze consumer behavior and sharpen their marketing messages as well as 5 fitness industry speakers to help owners use technology to enhance their fitness businesses including digital marketing experts, accounting, the future of search and using data for best business decisions.    Become a partner at FITS2020. Learn more at  https://FitnessIndustryTechSummit.com.au      Justin Tamsett is the Managing Director of Active Management and host of the Fitness Industry Technology Summit.  He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.  Learn more about Active Management here:  https://www.activemgmt.com.au   #FITS2020 #FitnessIndustry' 

Tags: digital marketing , fitness industry , fitness business summit , Fitness Technology , Fitness business marketing , Motionsoft Technology Summit , fitness industry technology summit

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