'Support Solo Barbell: https://www.patreon.com/BarbellBiryani -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Stamps: 0:00 Intro 0:42 Points Start 1:34 Body Fat 3:18 My Gym Workout Example 5:19 More Clarity 6:06 Trainer Point 6:39 BIG CONTROVERSY 6:57 Proof 7:35 Last video crazy comments 7:45 Comment 1 8:04 Comment 2 8:57 *COMEDY MAX* This video is to clarify certain positions and add a few points to my previous video. This video is completely logical and I tried to fight my position. Mr.Chaitanya Krishna, a trainer with 200,000 subscribers and also known fitness trainer agrees with this hypothesis. ( Proofs provided in the video ) It\'s high time we call such bullshit transformations and make Telugu fitness great again.. *Coughs in Trump* Please watch until the end and understand that this is my speculation and I don\'t have any concrete proof supporting my claims. People, you are the judge and jury. Please be aware of all scams in the fitness industry. I will apologize if he proves me wrong and explains how a 57 year old with no exercise history, sedentary lifestyle history, low on test levels, low on cardio vascular levels given his age, has done this without the use of steroids, fat burners or any other non-publicly available body modifying substances in six months ! Reddit link https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/mrjdt5/can_this_be_done_in_6_months_natty_age_57_trainer/ Links to transformations and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujG2fwOBFwY&t=883s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74AniQ7h4KM https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=venkat+fitness+trainer+six+pack'
Tags: fitness , transformation , Physique , six pack , fat loss , squat , deadlift , muscle gain , Telugu , six pack telugu , side fat , telugu fitness , bench press , Venkat fitness trainer , thigh fat , bicep size , telugufitness , Krish Health And Fitness , Protein Intake , face fat , bodybuilding telugu , Tollywood Body , lazy muscle , telugu transformation , teluguyoutuber , teluguyoutube
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