Jul 21, 2021
'Hi, welcome to my channel Taleem Leap I am not a fitness trainer, still sharing raw data of my performance through this video. I am sharing my own experiences in fitness with my friends & subscribers. My first series of videos is part of the 100 Days Fitness Challenge by Laborious (Divya Kothari). Thus completed today on 3rd January 2021, I had started this on 26th Sep 2020. This challenge was about performing Squats & Push-ups daily, Started by doing 1 Squat & 1 push-up on the first day, Daily added 1 repetition to it. 100squats +100 push-ups have performed today on the last day of this challenge. 5050 Push + ups & 5050 squats have metered on this challenge. Insides on Squats and Push-up according to my understanding Squats & Push-ups are some of the best bodyweight exercises, Helps in strength building, and must be in workout routines regardless of the goal. Major Benefits, Squats are leg exercises; also they help to burn fat around your glutes, thighs, and help to strengthen your core. Push up is the best weight loss workout for upper body chest, shoulders & triceps This form of exercise is the best even if you have little time, You’re busy or also if you travel a lot you can perform this anywhere without any equipment required still get the best out of your body. Thanks for watching please don’t forget to Like the video and subscribe to my channel also hit the bell icon. Also, some more follow links in this link if you wish you can enter my pages. https://nirleshkarani.com/links #fitness,#squats,#pushups'
Tags: fitness , exercise , squats , homeworkout , push-ups , bodyshape
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