'➢Online Coaching: http://bit.ly/ColossusOnlineCoaching We notice that the majority of people that attempt the single arm shoulder press do it incorrectly. In this video we go over a few common mistakes, talk about how to fix them and show you correct form. It would mean the world if you could share this video with someone that could use help perfecting this exercise. Please don\'t forget to like and subscribe! ➢Business Inquiries: [email protected] FREE GIFTS: ➢Free supplement ebook: http://bit.ly/ColossusSupplementScience ➢Fix Your Form Pocket Book: http://bit.ly/FormCheatSheet Podcast (Fit, Healthy & Happy): Itunes: http://bit.ly/FitHappyHealthyPodcast Spotify: http://bit.ly/FitHealhyHappyPodcastSpotify Check us out on our other media: ➢Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramColossusFitness ➢Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookColossusFitness ➢Snapchat: @colossusfit ➢Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterColossusFitness'
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