'►Get Full AXFIT Workouts: https://goo.gl/Z11oYA I love sharing my workout ideas with you so we can all kick some ass all over this earth together!!! Sharing our strengths and pushing limits in life! Check out this video, let me know what you think. It\'s amazing all the motivation everyone in Adrenaline executes to one another, it really impacts the way people push their limits in the class. A little competition mixed with a feel good, kick my butt workout is just what everyone needs. GET MORE FROM AXFIT: I post new videos every week, SUBSCRIBE to get my new videos emailed to you. ► Facebook: http://goo.gl/RYC2JK ► Get Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1MKBv0s ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/1IgmmzU #teamAXFIT on your class photos, I want to see your crew! Our goal at AXFIT is to create the worlds most innovative train the trainer boot camp resources available worldwide. Grow your business or just get in the best shape of your life by using our fresh circuit training ideas, boot camp ideas, exercises ideas, home boot camp workout program, and more. Email me (Danielle Chevalier) if you have questions about your training or need some advice: [email protected]'
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