'Bipasha Basu (born: January 7, 1979) is a former model and currently one of the leading female actors in the Bollywood. The 36-year old dusky beauty is a fitness enthusiast who has always laid stress on having a fit and toned body. Bipasha abstains from bad habits such as drinking and smoking and follows a strict weekly workout routine that she does not skip. Such is her devotion to keeping herself fit that she takes her trainer whenever she goes for an outdoor shoot. Take a look! Watch latest Bollywood gossip videos, latest Bollywood news and behind the scene Bollywood Masala. For interesting Latest Bollywood News subscribe to Biscoot TV now : http://www.youtube.com/BiscootTV Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BiscootLive Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/BiscootLive For Latest Bollywood News Subscribe us on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/c/BiscootTV Circle us on G+ https://plus.google.com/+BiscootLive Find us on Pinterest http://pinterest.com/BiscootLive'
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