'➢Fix Your Form Pocket Book: http://bit.ly/FormCheatSheet FAR too many people perform the diamond push-up (Also referred to as the close grip push-up) or even regular push-ups incorrectly. In this video we go over a few common mistakes, talk about how to fix them and show you the correct form. Please share this video with anybody that you think would benefit from it. Time Stamps: (0:00)- Proper Form Common Mistakes: 1. (1:04)- Not properly involving the triceps 2. (1:57)- Improper arm positioning 3. (2:46)- Sagging hips Fix Your Form Playlist: http://bit.ly/FixYourForm ➢Online Coaching: http://bit.ly/ColossusOnlineCoaching ➢10% off EHPlabs using code \"COLOSSUS10\" at http://bit.ly/EHPlabss ➢Business Inquiries: [email protected] FREE GIFTS: ➢Free supplement ebook: http://bit.ly/ColossusSupplementScience ➢Vascularity ebook: http://bit.ly/GoogleMapsVascular Free Podcast (Fit, Healthy & Happy): Itunes: http://bit.ly/FitHappyHealthyPodcast Spotify: http://bit.ly/FitHealhyHappyPodcastSpotify Check us out on our other media: ➢Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramColossusFitness ➢Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookColossusFitness ➢Snapchat: @colossusfit ➢Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterColossusFitness'
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