'Heavy Weight Full Body Boot Camp Circuit Workout : Group Training Exercise Ideas'

01:38 Dec 21, 2020
'More Circuit Training Ideas: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaPvlPKclBLjl-IvxOn6hv3iYMv1WUzlN    Instagram: http://bit.ly/1IgmmzU   Facebook: http://goo.gl/RYC2JK   Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/clSiBr  Today\'s workout is killer circuit! We kick this workout off with ABS, doing combos of core and cardio. A great warm-up. We then do the circuit of doom. We are using heavy weights, step ups, squats, and mat pushes, which are crazy hard.   I post circuit training exercise and workout ideas on my AXFIT Channel every week! If your a boot camp trainer looking for new ideas for your clients you will love my videos.   I post fun, fresh, effective, and unique boot camp workouts and circuits that will keep your clients on there toes and help grow your classes to the next level.   SUBSCRIBE to my channel for fresh training ideas and if you want even more premium content join my monthly training ideas newsletter : http://eepurl.com/clSiBr   My missions with AXFIT is to create the worlds most innovative train the trainer boot camp resources available worldwide.   Grow your business or just get in the best shape of your life by using our fresh circuit training ideas, boot camp ideas, exercises ideas, specialized boot camp equipment, home boot camp workout program, and more.   Email me (Danielle Chevalier) owner of AXFIT if you have questions about your training or need some advice: adrenalinefit@gmail.com' 

Tags: Group Fitness , Exercise Ideas , group training , axfit , danielle chevalier , BOOT CAMPS , Boot Camp ideas , boot camp workout ideas , Bootcamp ideas , group fitness class ideas , fun bootcamp ideas , group training circuit fitness class ideas , circuit ideas circuit training ideas big group training , Full Body Boot Camp Circuit

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