'Yoga Booty Lift: Standing Legs & Butt Workout with Denise Austin is a 9- minute, target-toning workout for the legs and butt that employs a unique blend of Yoga and barre exercises to lift and firm the booty, sculpt the thighs, burn calories and tone the lower body fast! Turn up the heat as you challenge multiple muscles simultaneously with America’s Favorite Fitness Expert, Denise Austin as she takes you through this strength-building workout from her popular “Yoga Booty Lift” Fitness DVD that will shape your body, activate the core and uncover a leaner and healthier new you. Challenge your trouble zones, tighten the glutes and say goodbye to saddle bags with this effective, low intensity routine. This tush-toning routine can be modified to fit all skill levels by adjusting depth of motion, reps and rest periods. You will need a towel, a sturdy chair and a bottle of water to complete this workout that can be taken with you anywhere for a quick tone-up. Join Denise Austin for a zen-sational workout created to contour, trim and lift the booty like never before! This 30-minute program features specialized yoga poses and barre moves that first target the legs, then the butt and, lastly, the butt and core together to reshape your bottom half into your better half. And with a bonus Yoga Arms workout that tones multiple muscles at once, you’ll achieve a sexy, sculpted look from head to toe! Standing Legs: Boost your body burn with thigh-trimming yoga poses then use the back of a chair for a series of barre pliés and lifts that tone your thighs and calves. Standing Butt: Reshape your rear with a barre leg-lift sequence and single-leg yoga moves that guarantee you’ll leave a lasting impression as you leave any room! Floor Butt & Core: Trim your hips, transform your tush and flatten your belly with floor exercises like side-lying legs, rainbow raises, bridge lifts, and yoga boats. Bonus Yoga Arms: Adding light hand weights to classic yoga poses, super-sculpt your arms, shoulders, chest, and back to complete your total-body makeover. For additional Yoga workouts from your favorite BeFiT trainers, click here: http://bit.ly/12lPjgP Click here to sign up for the free BeFiT newsletter for workout tips, recipes and more! http://befit.com/?utm_source=anno&utm_medium=youtube&utm_campaign=2015 Click here to purchase the full Yoga Booty Lift Fitness DVD on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Denise-Austin-Yoga-Booty-Lift/dp/B00KVFHBPG/ref=lh_ni_t?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Click here to download the full Yoga Booty Lift Fitness Workout from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/tv-season/denise-austin-yoga-booty-barre/id936835707 Click Here to Subscribe to the BeFit channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Befit For full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the BeFit Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/befit Check out our official website at: http://www.lionsgatebefit.com Check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/befit Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/befit Follow us on Instagram at: http://instagram.com/befit Check us out on Google+ https://plus.google.com/104994741925506474033/posts Check us out on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/befit To purchase DVD\'s, Check out the Lionsgate Fitness store at: http://www.lionsgateshop.com/search_results.asp?type=fitness&GenreId=8'
Tags: how to , fitness , Workout , abs , ab workout , cardio , Weight loss , exercise , workouts , diet , Health , Dance , core , yoga , burn fat , work out , muscle , muscles , SPORTS , strong , strength , arms , chest , fat , trainer , exercises , lose weight , abdominals , shoulders , free workouts , calories , BeFit , Be Fit , butt , butt workout , Celebrity , fat loss , obliques , athlete , back , thighs , glutes , barre workout , Aerobics , Denise Austin , butt lift , Fat-burning , sports training , booty lift , leg workouts , metabolism
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