'At Home Advanced Ab Workout | Natalie Jill'

'At Home Advanced Ab Workout | Natalie Jill'
04:20 Jan 4, 2021
'To get the bars I use in this video (and save money on them) go HERE: https://www.nataliejillfitness.com/lebert   3 Days to Jump start your fat loss for FREE: http://www.TheQuickBodyReset.com  SUBSCRIBE for weekly episodes and bonuses: http://bit.ly/1J4MjYk  At Home Advanced Ab Workout #1: Opposite Knee to Opposite Wrist  In a plank positon, with your core engaged, bring your opposite knee to opposite wrist. Alternate back and forth. You can do this on the bars, a squat rack, or on the floor. You will feel these in your abs pretty quickly! Do this for about 60 seconds.  At Home Advanced Ab Workout #2: Same Knee to Same Wrist  In a plank positon, with your core engaged, bring your same knee to same wrist. Alternate between sides. You can do this on the bars, a squat rack, or on the floor. You will feel these in your abs pretty quickly! Do this for about 60 seconds.  At Home Advanced Ab Workout #3: Lower Ab Raises  If you dont have the Lebert EQualizer bars, you can use two benches or two bars. But I love to use the Lebert EQualizer bars. For this one, you will lift yourself up, keep your knees together and bent at a 90 degree angle and raise and lower them. This will really work your lower abs. Do this for about 30 seconds.  At Home Advanced Ab Workout #4: Bicycles  Holding yourself up on the bars, move your legs as if you were riding a bicycle. You will see that this one doesn\'t take long to feel at all! Do this for 30 seconds and feel the burn!  At Home Advanced Ab Workout #5: L-Sits  This one is more advanced, but do what you can and just work toward progression. Holding onto the bars, lift your legs out straight in front of you and squeeze all of your muscles. Hold it for as long as you possibly can, even if it\'s just for a few seconds.     Visit me anytime on my WEBSITE: http://www.nataliejillfitness.com/ ▶ Get Natalie\'s Newest Workout DVD at http://bit.ly/1Jn0xjd ▶ Do Natalie Jill\'s 7 Day Jump Start™ at http://7DayJumpStart.com ▶ Get a PRINTABLE Version of My Workouts at http://bit.ly/1Ij0P9R  Let\'s Connect and Chat on Social Media! ▶ Instagram: http://Instagram.com/Nataliejillfit ▶ Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Nataliejillfit  ▶ Pinterest: http://Pinterest.com/nataliejillfit ▶ Twitter: http://Twitter.com/nataliejillfit  About Natalie: Hi everyone, thank you so much for subscribing to my channel! What I do is SIMPLIFY fitness and nutrition. My goal is to help you become your BEST YOU through un-processing your diet, training functionally and using your own body weight with limited time and busy schedules. Join me weekly here as I share workouts, tips, nutrition help, recipes, and more!' 

Tags: ab workout , Natalie Jill , Natalie Jill Fitness , lebert bars , lebert equalizer bars , lebert bar workout , lebert equalizer , lebert equalizer exercises , lebert fitness equalizer , lebert fitness , lebert equalizer workout

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