'Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowfitness Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/ehowfitness Arching the back during military presses will increase the effectiveness of the exercise and will help prevent injuries. Arch the back during military presses with help from the co-founder of CrossTrain.com and the Cross Train Method in this free video clip. Expert: David Schenk Contact: www.crosstrain.com Bio: David Schenk is the co-founder of CrossTrain.com and the Cross Train Method. Filmmaker: Jacob Potkin Series Description: If you want to get in a good workout, one of the best tools to have at your side is the kettlebell. Find out about kettlebell workouts and exercises with help from the co-founder of CrossTrain.com and the Cross Train Method in this free video series.'
Tags: fitness tips , working out , fitness tricks , kettlebell exercises , kettlebell workouts , staying fit , build bigger legs
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