Nov 21, 2021
'It’s fitness testing week! Here’s a quick video demo for your upper body and lower body strength testing. Lower body strength - As many air squats as possible in 60 seconds - From a standing position with your feet under your shoulders, - Send your hips down and back as you get your bottom low while trying to keep your feet flat and knees out - Press down through the ground with your heels as you rise up extending your hips and standing all the way up again - Count your repetition at the top each time Upper body strength - As many pushups as possible in 60 seconds - Begin in a plant position with your hands outside your chest and under your shoulders - Feet back and on your toes with your hips off the ground, flat with the rest of your body - Bend your elbows back & down and you bring your chest low to the ground - Finish by pressing up and counting the rep at the top Record your effort into your activity journal and submit the assignment in google classroom for credit.'See also: