'Team #SKC School & Jr. College in association with #HeedIndia intends to bring a significant change to every child who may be experiencing the absence of the regular sports and coaching held daily during normal school/college days. We are hence coming up with something exciting on this YouTube channel and would want each student to participate proactively , watch every video & do the prescribed & recommended excercises at home daily. #Heedindia #heed #ngo #ngoindia #fitnessaccount #fitness #fitnessmotivation #children #socialwork #socialdistancing #socialgood #sportsfordevelopment #sports #covid19 #onlinefitnesscoach #squats #charity #lockdown #volunteer #empowerment #education #workout #workoutroutine #sustainabledevelopment #charity #stayathome #freefitness #donationdrive Follow our Passion ▶️ Y O U T U B E: http://www.youtube.com/c/SKCSchoolJrCollege ▶️ F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/SKCSchoolJrCollege/ ▶️ I N S T A G R A M: https://www.instagram.com/skc_school_jr.college/'
Tags: fitness , Workout , Lockdown , SPORTS , squats , education , children , Volunteer , COVID19 , empowerment , ngo , chair exercises , fitnessmotivation , stayathome , CHARITY , new video , chair , workoutroutine , socialdistancing , socialgood , SKC SCHOOL & JUNIOR COLLEGE. , socialwork , ngoindia , SKC , donationdrive , Heedindia , fitnessaccount , heed , sustainabledevelopment , NO.1 SKC , SKC SCHOOL , association with Heed India , sportsfordevelopment , freefitness , onlinefitnesscoach , SKC Online Fitness Program , wall sit , Wall Sit / Chair
See also: