'Men\'s Fitness \"Perfect\" Workout - Video # 3 Developed by Chad Waterbury - Want size, strength and killer abs? The \"Perfect\" workout is for you. Combination of exercises that will make your core scream and your muscle sore. Circuit training combined with straight set exercises makes a killer workout with combos that brings the science of the working out to life. I gave this routine 5 out of 5 stars because of it\'s intensity, mental and physical challenge. Try it and see for yourself. Note always start with light weight when your not familiar with an exercise. http://www.mensfitness.com/ WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU.'
Tags: home , Workout , abs , exercise , loss , body , fat , sixpack , review , killer , building , Circuit Training , dumbbell shoulder press , eightpack , Snatch Grip Deadlift , Chin Up Bulgarian Split Squat , Dumbbell Chop , Split Jumping Jacks Abs
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