'MCOLES Physical Fitness Test: Police Academy Training'

'MCOLES Physical Fitness Test: Police Academy Training'
09:26 Dec 2, 2021
'This was shot right before beginning the Delta Police Academy. My exit fitness test at the end of the academy I hit 85 pushups, but 83 were counted since I didn\'t fully hit the buzzer on 2, and I hit 60 sit-ups, so I made great increases in all areas which shows how much fitness is involved in some academies. This is a video explaining the basic MCOLES physical fitness test that must be passed in order to be accepted to a Michigan police academy. This video highlights the workouts and how to prepare to pass the test. I apologise for the fairly poor audio as I used my DSLR camera with it\'s internal mic.' 

Tags: fitness , workouts , home gym , boot camp , Police Academy , police , physical training , MCOLES , police academy training

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