'10 h/p/cosmos mercury treadmills in Korean Fitness Club. Due to it\'s extremely reliable design, the simple operation, the incorporated UKK 2km walking test with fitness index the h/p/cosmos machines are extremely popular all around the world. 20 years warranty on drive motor and frame (breakage) and 3 years warranty on all parts (including belt, deck, electronics, etc.) customers can rely on h/p/cosmos committments.'
Tags: exercise , performance , school , reaction , running , cycling , track , analysis , treadmill , HP , protection , force , Motion , physiotherapy , therapy , Ground , cosmos , firefighter , diagnostics , vo2max , lab , skiroller , Ausdauertraining , comet , respiratory , physiology , Biathlon , biomechanics , lactate , gait , Leistungsdiagnostik , Skilanglauf , SpeedLab , h/p/cosmos , stresstesting , neurorehab , locomotion , sprint-trainer , Bewegungsanalyse , Ganganalyse , Laufbandergometer , Laufbanddiagnostik , Laktat , Radsport , hpcosmos , h-p-cosmos
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