'GROUP 5 Physical Fitness Test'

'GROUP 5 Physical Fitness Test'
02:00 Dec 27, 2021
'30 sec Push up 30 sec Sit up Seat and reach Standing long jump Vertical jump  Members Alzate 13 push up 14 sit up 24 cm seat and reach 68 cm standing long jump 63 cm vertical jump Buarao 17 push up 9 sit up  22 cm seat and reach 75 cm standing long jump 60 cm  vertical jump Colorico 16 Push up 16 Sit up 76.2 cm seat and reach 136.16 cm standing long jump 45.72 cm vertical jump Ferangco 30 push up 30 sit up 40 cm seat and reach 45 cm standing long jump 50 cm vertical jump' 
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