'Hi guys, This is the best version to Subeme la radio from my opinion. Listen until the end and tell me what do you think? Conor Maynard is simply amazing, I love all of his stuff. It is an honor for me to be with two super talented kids in this video, Karesz Ollos and Hanga Kiss. I just love them! I really hope you\'ll like it and if you use the other choreo to Subeme la Radio, try to put this one in your playlist and you\'ll see a really positive reaction from your students! Much Love! Video by OX - Petru Belibou Facebook - Claudiu Gutu (instagram @claudiugutu) e-mail - [email protected] www.zumbatimisoara.com'
Tags: Dance , dance fitness , zumba fitness , fun , ZUMBA , choreography , choreo , hungary , Backstreet Boys , Enrique Iglesias , beto perez , claudiu gutu , karesz ollos , Subeme La Radio , hanga kiss , conor maynard , i like in that way , go zin , amazing boy , best song 2017
See also: