'Check out my home/ garage gym and the equipment I have been able to acquire. All the equipment you see in the video is second hand from Facebook or eBay. so go a check those sites if you are looking for gym equipment, you might get lucky like I did. Links: Socials: Instagram- @jamie_hayes @isfitness.sports Facebook- @jamiehayes @isfitness The clothing I am wearing in the video is from a company called @basketballisfitness go follow them on Instagram and Facebook for cool content such as basketball workouts and clothing updates. The clothing is comfortable and perfect to workout in whilst looking fly. Use the link below to head to their website to get your hands on great workout clothing. Use code isfitness10 for 10% off your orders Clothing: https://basketballisfitness.com Discount code: isfitness10 Dont\'t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe.'
Tags: fitness , Workout , Lockdown , Budget , quarantine , uk , homeworkouts , basketball , homegym , gymtour , garagegym
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