'Welcome to my garage gym !'

06:30 Jan 9, 2022
'Name of garage gym is TBD. I\'m liking G-Unit (get it - garage unit!) but Josh keeps turning it down...  I\'m accepting clients in the Cypress, TX area for in person training currently! & also working on building some online training programs to bring to you soon. Check out my website link below for my details on all that.   Welcome to my journey! Check out the links below to see more of me.  M0RE CHELSEA: W E B S I T E : chelseaalysse.com I N S T A G R A M : http://instagram.com/chelseaalysse T W I T T E R : https://twitter.com/cschuurr P I N T E R E S T : http://pinterest.com/chelsea0alysse/b... E M A I L : chelseaalyssefit@gmail.com  I hope you enjoyed the video! Don\'t forget to click the like button and subscribe if you\'d like to see more videos.' 

Tags: girl , fitness , Lifestyle , Health , crossfit , iifym , Olympic , blog , lifting , women's health , powerlifting , snatch , flexible dieting , gym equipment , garage gym , deadlifts , girlsthatlift , crossfitgirls , camp iron , bolt fitness

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