'follow along version (FULL PROGRAM excluded from sale): https://godaily.ca/course/bbttgo/ Today we will be working on your hamstrings and gluteus medius. This means that we will be working on tightening up the back of your legs and giving your booty a more round appearance! wahoo!! We won’t be using weights for this workout, but if you feel the urge to challenge yourself a little more, try adding 3-5lb weights or resistance bands! This workout will burn up to 600 calories (that’s A LOT for one single workout!), so make sure that you are giving it your all so that you reach the maximum amount of calories that can be burned. I have provided for you an outline of how the workout is going to look below. Rest when needed and when you are between supersets, I would suggest resting for as long as it takes to get your heart rate back to half the rate it was going during the exercises (but not quite resting rate). If you have any questions about this workout, feel free to comment below. If you enjoyed this workout and want to snap a sweaty selfie, make sure to tag @godaily.ca @growwithjo and #bbttgo When you’re ready, LETS GO! Warm up: 100 jumping Jack’s 3 rounds of: Donkey kicks x 10/side Leg lifts x 10/side 3 rounds of: Squat to good morning x 10 Straight leg donkey kick x 10/side 3 rounds of: Hip rotation to lunge x 10/side Standing toe in hip abduction x 10/side 3 rounds of: Lunge to kickback x 10/side Bear crawl x 10 (5 forward, 5 back) 2 rounds of: Crunches x 10 Bicycle crunches x 10/side Toe touches x 10 Russian twists x 10/side Inch worms x 10 Great job; you did it! COMMENT BELOW your favourite part of this workout and remember to cool down and stretch, drink lots of water, and prepare yourself for tomorrow’s workout! We’ll see you tomorrow! TEXT ME for fitness help! 1-647-490-1160 Follow my IG: https://www.instagram.com/growwithjo/ and make sure to subscribe & turn on notifications for instant updates on my new videos!'
Tags: how to , fitness , Workout , home workout , motivation , summer , spring , body , exercises , round booty , tiny waist , kylie jenner , kim kardashian , small waist , full body , home gym , break , waist training , Bikini , postpartum workout , brazilian butt lift , hip dips , rounder butt , build a booty , natural butt lift , growwithjo , grow with jo , lose hip dips , how to lose hip dips
See also: