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04:25 Sep 12, 2020
In this HINDU PUSH UPS TABATA WORKOUT video, you will be doing Hindu push ups, as fast as possible with good form. You will be doing this HIIT workout video to Tabata workout music with a timer embedded in the video. If you are looking for a Tabata workout song, I’ll put a link below so you can download one from Youtube. "Tabata" style means that you will perform each exercise as fast as possible for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second rest period, for 4 minutes.  You will also be performing 3 other exercises to supplement the Hindu push ups. Hindu push ups and squats, are a body weight exercises, originated in Indian dynamic yoga fitness along and have been used by Indian wrestlers for centuries, They are essential body weight training moves that are not only effective in training athletes but are equally effective in body weight bodybuilding (causing hypertrophy through calisthenics). Hindu push ups benefits or you could call them Hindu push ups results, include improving greater spine flexibility, body posture, stronger joints, better endurance and cardiovascular health.   With Hindu push ups, the muscles worked include your upper body, especially in the pectorals (chest), triceps, lats (upper back), and shoulders. By Adding push-ups to your workouts comes with the bonus of a core workout, too (after all, the top position for a normal push-up is a plank).   When comparing Hindu push ups vs regular push ups, Hindu push ups are definetly superior because they involve the upper body and the legs, and strengthen the shoulders while being much gentler on the rotator cuff.   There are several sports, many exercise programs, as well as many athletes/celebrities that are promoters of Hindu push ups. Matt Furey, Author of “Combat Conditioning”, promotes bridging, Hindu push ups, and Hindu squats. Joe Rogan, MMA commentator and promoter is an enthusiastic advocate of Hindu push ups. Chris Benoit, Canadian professional wrestler, is an advocat of Hindu push ups. Athlean X, the biggest fitness channel on Youtube, also promotes Hindu push ups as a highly effective exercise. Use Tabata workouts to sweat away stress, to burn fat and to burn calories. These are total body exercises, difficult enough to challenge the veteran exerciser yet easy enough to learn to make this the perfect Tabata workout for beginners.   Technically, you perform a Tabata workout for 4 minutes. This workout video is 8 minutes long. But if you feel like you need a Tabata workout for 30 minutes or a Tabata workout for 20 minutes, just repeat the video in order to get the duration you desire. Please feel free to modify them according to your fitness/flexibility level. I use these same moves in the Tabata cardio class I lead at a local park and live online. Tabata Intervals along with intermittent fasting has allowed me to achieve and maintain a body fat percentage of 9-11% at age 59! I have a whole playlist of Tabata workouts on Youtube at home that you can watch at your convenience. The link is below. GO WATCH THE WHOLE SERIES AND FIND YOUR FAVORITE! 

Tags: tabata workout , tabata workout for beginners , tabata workout music , tabata workout 30 minutes , tabata workout 20 minutes , CLINT GRIMES , Hindu push ups tabata workout , hindu push ups benefits , hindu push ups muscles worked , hindu push ups and squats , hindu push ups fitness rockers , hindu push ups vs normal pushups , hindu push ups matt furey , hindu push ups wrestling , hindu push ups workout , tabata workout push ups , ` tabata workout music with timer , tabata workout 4 minutes

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