Modern Warriors, prepare for combat! Today we have a killer high intensity Mixed martial arts, kickboxing, Muay thai, taekwondo, karate, BJJ, jujitsu cardio workout, who also serves as a fat burner to help burn those calories. Summer is here! And although the Covid confinement came as a shocker for everyone, I know a lot of you guys (and girls) want to lose that extra fat and extra inches around the waist and lose those love handles to hit the beaches and all. And these kinds of shadowtraining contact sports HIIT workouts are great for that too, so whether you're a fan of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Muhammad Ali, Conor McGregor, Floyd Mayweather, Khabib, or Chuck Norris himself or not, you can still take benefits from our workout today (plus you are practicing self defense in case you encounter a real street fight situation in real life or have to defend yourself). This 10 minutes workout will consist of 3 rounds of 3 minutes with 30 seconds of rest after each one. Each round will focus on repeating the most common fighting techniques and moves, present amongst all the major fighting disciplines, like Jab punches, hook cross punches, ducking and crouching on your knees to practice avoiding punches on defense, Knee kicks (you can practice their various forms and ways to do them), Switch kicks (roundhouse kicks, either low kicks, middle or high kicks), front kicks, elbow punches and uppercuts. We will also be practicing lateral, front and back movements, stability, defensive and offensive stances, proper form and position before power, keeping your hands raised, picture your opponent while shadowboxing, and focus on mastering the basics and don't overcomplicate it, rather keep it simple and go at your pace. Also don't forget to stretch and warm up, it will also help improve your flexibility (besides avoiding injuries too). Lastly, life is short, so enjoy it and don't make your training, whether it's bodybuilding, strength conditioning, cardio and fat burning, combat sports like martial arts, or anything else a burden, rather make it fun so you can enjoy it and follow it in the long term, always stay motivated, have fun, adapt the routine to whatever suits you most, and never give up even if the results aren't showing yet. You will never fail or regret anything if you keep trying! And always keep your workouts fun and diversified, shock your body with new workouts, increased intensity, increased weight, etc. Let's all improve together and get stronger mentally and physically, get fit, lose fat, gain muscle and strength and become the modern warriors! (in fitness, nutrition, health and life in general) Follow us on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ModernWarriorsMW Follow your next workouts, suitable for all fitness levels (beginners, intermediate, advanced experts, professionals) organized and assembled in quick to follow playlists: Workouts by muscle groups: Triceps workouts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4UWcJkIA5Q&list=PLgNiJuZSS84526qhYao5mv4Z0Hi2Zu2ck Biceps workouts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHwKSS9zJ4U&list=PLgNiJuZSS844zMW6jNybL_YryKV8JSNA- Forearms workouts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNsDSl8tyhY&list=PLgNiJuZSS846dj_QQh-zVY1OQ_aA9KxbN Abs (upper, middle, lower), core, obliques workouts (get those 6 pac abs!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9U3Wwq4tus&list=PLgNiJuZSS846nw2H8No0FliHUwGleueeP Legs / lower body (quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves) workouts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgNiJuZSS847bxcjjdbta0-HLwNt6a4A2 Fat burning workouts: MMA, Muay thai, Taekwondo, Karate, Kickboxing HIIT workouts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgNiJuZSS847cD3lIufylTmgJ52WlvZO5 Workouts by equipment (or lack of it): Dumbbell workouts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNsDSl8tyhY&list=PLgNiJuZSS847KsWyqvq5GvZl0Zc_G4fRR Bodyweight (calisthenics) workouts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9U3Wwq4tus&list=PLgNiJuZSS844YSQ38iWq5XyERzCnPahjp Thank you for working out with us, please support our channel and let's help one another grow in every way, and become warriors! Disclaimer: Consult with your physician or other health care professional before starting a Modern Warriors program or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Specially if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure, high colesterol or heart disease, diabetes or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately. Do not overtrain or go over your endurance levels.
Tags: home , at home , tabata workout , Music , songs , mma workout , tempo , mma training exercises , ufc workout , mma workouts , mixed martial arts training , ufc training , mma training workouts , mma training , mma workout routine , mma exercises , mma fitness , mma conditioning , ufc training workouts , mma workout at home , mma home workout , mma training at home , brazillian jiu jitsu workout , jiu jitsu workout routine , bjj workout , bjj workout routine , bjj workout at home , mma hiit , hiit mma
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