Ab Cardio Workout 2: Circuit Training from 30 Day 6 Pack Abs is an intense, total body-toning cardio workout that is comprised of a unique blend of explosive plyometric moves with ab-sculpting strength moves to ignite your fat-burning potential and sculpt lean muscle throughout the entire body. Target the core, get abs, and mobilize fat to lose weight by engaging multiple parts of the body simultaneously with Fitness Expert & Actor, Scott Herman as he takes you through this advanced circuit from the all new "30 Day 6 Pack Abs" Workout Program that will get you results fast! Prepare to sweat and feel the burn with this highly-effective workout that employs 14 calorie-blasting exercises at 30 seconds each with 15 second rest periods in between that are sure to slim the waistline and build definition in the arms, legs, abs, obliques, glutes, shoulders, and chest. Activate all of the major muscle groups of the body and learn some of the key moves that Scott uses to stay ripped as he demonstrates seal jacks, reverse lunges, jump squats, toadies, X-crunches, mountain climbers, plank variations, donkey kicks, close-grip push-ups, and curl-ups. You will need an exercise mat and a bottle of water to complete this workout and can adjust the intensity by modifying reps, rest periods, and jumping height to customize the routine to any skill level. Keep track of your reps to monitor your progress as you grow stronger with each day. Scott's encouraging demeanor and passion for fitness will inspire you as you continue down the road to 6 pack abs. See below for your 30 Day Calendar Workout Plan as well as a full list of workouts, reps, and time codes. Tune in to BeFit daily to satisfy your fitness needs and find brand new "30 Day 6 Pack Abs" workouts featuring Scott Herman and Sarah Fit. Try the full 30 day program for FREE! Click here for more Ab workouts: http://bit.ly/SDLTfC CLICK HERE to go to BEFIT.COM http://www.befit.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=Befitchannel&utm_campaign=annoHome Click to Subscribe to BefiT on Amazon Instant Video for Workout Solutions for Every Body! http://www.befit.com/subscribe/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=YTOrganic&utm_campaign=annoDR [0:24] Seal Jacks 30 Seconds (As many reps as possible [1:12] Reverse Lunge 30 Seconds (Alternate Legs) [1:53] Cross Body Mountain Climber 30 Seconds (Alternate Legs) [2:37] X-Crunches 30 Seconds (As many reps as possible [3:22] Forearm Plank w/ Leg Taps 30 Seconds (Alternate Legs) [4:07] Squat w/ Front Kick 30 Seconds (Alternate Legs) [5:04] Donkey Kick 30 Seconds (Alternate Sides) [5:45] Plyo Skaters 30 Seconds (Alternate Sides) [6:23] Forearm Plank w/ Hip Raise 30 Seconds (Each Side) [7:47] Close Grip Push Ups 30 Seconds (As many reps as possible) [8:32] Jump Squat 30 Seconds (As many reps as possible) [9:20] Curl-Up 30 Seconds (As many reps as possible) [10:03] Toadie 30 Seconds (As many reps as possible) Click Here to check out the Scott Herman Fitness Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottHermanFitness Click Here to Subscribe to the BeFit channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Befit For full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the BeFit Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/befit Check out our official website at: http://www.lionsgatebefit.com Check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lionsgatebefit Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/lionsgatebefit Check us out on Google+ https://plus.google.com/104994741925506474033/posts Check us out on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/lionsgatebefit To purchase DVD's, Check out the Lionsgate Fitness store at: http://www.lionsgateshop.com/search_results.asp?type=fitness&GenreId=8
Tags: how to , fitness , abs , Weight loss , sexy , exercise , diet , Health , stretch , abs workout , burn fat , work out , hot , body , muscle , SPORTS , strong , strength , arms , chest , fat , trainer , exercises , crunches , lose weight , 6 pack abs , 8 minute abs , abdominals , shoulders , get abs , free workouts , calories , BeFit , Be Fit , sit-ups , Scott Herman , Sarah Fit , amazing abs workout , legs , belly , obliques , ab workouts , lean , Malibu , plyometrics
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