'Did you know that fans are worried that Celine Dion may be suffering from anorexia or substance abuse and that the singer debuted on the popular music scene when she was only 13 years old? Recently, pop diva Celine Dion announced that she was going to have to cancel some tour dates due to a health concern that she has been actively recovering from for some time. That health concern has since been revealed to be muscle spasms, though the singer claims that she is optimistic that she will be able to make a full recovery in time to start performing again in May. ▬Contents of this video▬ 00:00 - Intro 00:48 - Body 07:50 - Outro Like this content? Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/factsverse?sub_confirmation=1 Or, watch more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkXAntdjbcSKgHx6EQVOwNKVz1cR2hKV Do you think you know a lot about TV? Try our quiz and enter to win $500! Click below to check the trivia question https://bit.ly/3rEeMxk While Celine Dion claims that her recent health concerns are limited strictly to her muscle spasms and that she’ll be able to make a full recovery soon, there are many fans who think that there may be something more going on with the singer than she lets on. For the past few years, many fans have become increasingly concerned with Celine’s apparent weight loss. The weight loss started after the death of the singer’s husband and brother from cancer in January of 2016. After a period of seclusion following the deaths, Celine reemerged to the public skinnier than ever before. According to Celine, her recent weight loss has come as a result of her taking ballet lessons with one of her backup dancers, a hobby that she claims she has gotten into as a way to cope with the sadness of losing her husband. If Celine is telling the truth, fans can look forward to her making a full recovery soon and continuing to perform! Join Facts Verse as Celine Dion gives a devastating health update. Celine Dion Gives Devastating Health Update'
Tags: Celine Dion , Facts Verse , celine dion singer , Facts verse presents , Celine Dion life , Celine Dion now , celine dion weight loss , céline dion before and after , Celine Dion health update , Celine Dion's health , facts about Celine Dion , details on Celine Dion , behind the scenes Celine Dion , Celine Dion career , Celine Dion through the years , Celine Dion Gives Devastating Health Update , Health Update on Celine Dion , Celine Dion information , where is celine dion today
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