'https://www.bencoomber.com - Mark Coles of M10 Fitness in Nottingham is this weeks guest. Mark and I go deep into the world of personal and client psychology, the mindset you need to cultivate a winning physique and a successful fitness business, building a successful personal training business, the pros and cons of owning a gym, where he started his journey, how it evolved and where it took him, how to find and get the best out of hiring personal trainers, and why thinking budget means average in life. Hit up Mark\'s channels: https://www.youtube.com/user/M10Fitness & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLhGbKzza0WhERTCnYj4mig Check out Mark\'s other links: Web: https://www.M10Fitness.co.uk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/personaltrainernottingham Twitter: https://twitter.com/m10fitness My links are: Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenCoomber Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theofficialb... Instagram: http://instagram.com/bencoomber Podcast: http://bencoomber.com/podcast'
Tags: fitness , exercise , weights , diet , Health , nutrition , training , Learning , Business , entrepreneur , supplements , paleo , success , coach , mindset , health education , psychology , life style , weight lifting , personal trainers , successful business , fitness education , life design , mark coles , m10 fitness , ben coomber , performance nutrition , Ben Coomber TV , where to learn fitness information , where to learn health information , coach (professional) , client psychology
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